The NC Caring Dental Professionals Program engages in non-profit fundraising with the mission of building and sustaining a stable financial foundation for monetary assistance and loans that are available to Dental Professionals facing the burden of costs associated with recovery from chemical addiction.
Monies raised for this purpose are placed in two different funds. Namely…
The Dr. Jake Thorpe CDP Support Fund
The NCCDP Endowment Fund.
The Jake Thorpe Support Fund is available to help financially challenged dental professionals gain entry to a treatment facility when sufficient funds or insurance might not otherwise be available. In addition, CDP participants may request funds to alleviate the cost of drug screening and therapy. Monies disbursed from this fund are made available through interest free loans. Contributions to this fund come from individual donors and organizations.
Tax deductible donations made to the Dr. Jake Thorpe Support Fund may be made directly to the NCCDP office…
PO Box 2987
Shelby, NC, 28151
Please note “ Dr. Jake Thorpe Fund” on your check.
You may use PayPal to make an online donation to the Jake Thorpe Support Fund by clicking below.:
The NCCDP Endowment Fund is managed by the NC Community Foundation which is a non-profit, publically supported charity that provides donors with diverse financial capabilities and interests a flexible, cost-effective and permanent vehicle for carrying out their charitable objectives in North Carolina. The Foundation focuses primarily on encouraging, establishing and building endowments for non-profit institutions and charitable organizations serving North Carolina’s people and communities.
Tax deductible donations may be made to the NCCDP Endowment Fund in the following ways;
Cash Gifts/Annual Pledges
Appreciated Securities or Real Estate
Life Insurance Beneficiary
The Charitable Remainder Trust
Estate Planning
Donations may be sent to:
NCCDP Endowment Fund
c/o NC Community Foundation
3737 Glenwood Avenue
Suite 460
Raleigh, NC 27612
Call: 919-828-4387